Seabuckthorn Cream

Have you ever wondered about the amazing benefits of seabuckthorn for your skin? If you haven’t tried skincare products with seabuckthorn yet, you are in for a treat! Today, I am excited to share with you a simple and effective recipe for making your very own seabuckthorn cream at home. Seabuckthorn, also known as the […]

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Moist Emulsion

In the world of skincare, there are countless products and formulations promising to give you the glowing, radiant complexion of your dreams. One product that has been gaining popularity, especially in Asian beauty routines, is emulsion. Emulsion is a type of skincare product that falls somewhere between a lightweight lotion and a heavier cream. It […]

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Basic Moisturiser

I really love multi-purpose moisturiser where you can use it over your face and body. It is not only save up your time from changing 1 product to another product, it also has ability to hydrate your face, hand and body. I always tried to formulate lightweight moisturiser without long rubbing time. You’d probably wonder […]

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Oatmeal Cream

Colloidal oatmeal has been used in century to detoxify and rejuvenate skin. It has anti inflammatory properties making it great for all skin types especially blemish skin. I love making oatmeal cream during winter because it has high emollient properties. Furthermore, polyphenols in oatmeal is effective treatment in slowing ageing process. Oatmeal cream texture To […]

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Ceramide Moisturiser

Ceramide Moisturiser is favourite skincare for everyone. It helps to improve dry skin and strengthen skin barrier. You must be surprised that creating ceramide moisturiser is very easy and you don’t need to spend big bucks. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create your own ceramide moisturiser. There are many […]

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Centella Moisturiser

Centella Asiatica aka Gotu Kola is trend ingredients in skincare. It is known for its antioxidant and soothing properties. It can also soothe and calm blemishes.  To formulate centella moisturiser is not difficult. I am using gotu kola herbal extracts powder. You can also use liquid form depending on what is available on where you […]

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Amino Moisturiser

Are you on the quest for the perfect moisturiser that not only hydrates your skin but also keeps it firm and radiant?This moisturiser is inspired by squalane moisturiser. I created this formulation using lipomoist 2036. Lipomoist 2036 is a cutting-edge blend of various amino acids and vegan peptides that have been meticulously curated to deliver […]

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Body Cream

Winter time in Australia! Let’s slug our skin with oil to prevent dryness. This body cream features 20% of oil without greasiness. I also use heavy oil such as almond oil and macadamia oil. I really love high percentage oil as winter cause skin dryness.  The secret of our creamy body cream is polymer. There […]

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